“It’s only tonal changes I’m making, but to say ‘only tonal changes’ is not giving it credit,” he said.
Tim explains more about how he guides the viewer’s eye through his images during his live talk show. He also shares stories from his travels and his advice for aspiring photographers. You can watch the full talk show here.
For more great advice from other professional photographers and to see future guests, make sure to take a look at our live shows page. From pricing your work to building contacts in a new location, these shows offer a chance to learn from professional photographers who are at the top of their game.
If you’re used to working with families and wedding events, you’ve surely come across a situation where you need to go though all the nitty gritty with your clients.
From which clothes to wear to what location is suitable for your specific need, going back and forth by email and then not remembering where to find that information can feel challenging for your clients.
Especially when many look forward for the photo shoot and want everything go as planned – and to know everything they need so they can plan ahead.
And what to add is really just dependent on you; what kind of photoshoot are you going to do with your client?
If you’re having a wedding photoshoot you might want to add information that applies to a bigger group of people, or with families you want to specify anything related to the smallest of the family.
Professional photographers send out photography style guides so the clients can prepare themselves for the photoshoot. Learn what to add to your client guide. Photography style guide
Anything you can think of that your client needs to know goes here. If you want them to bring accessories, moisturize their skin beforehand, or not to add any self-tanner (many people do this!), tell them that.
Colors, specific styles that you feel would be coherent for the photoshoot, add in this section. Some clients will always bring high heels, but if you’re photographing of a field and the shoes will not be visible, sneakers will do just fine. What colors should you wear for a photoshoot should be decided together with the rest of the people that will be a part of the photoshoot.
If you did decide on a color palette, inspiration images and lighting, it would be added in this section. Even if you went through with it with your client, putting everything in one place so the whole family can go through it will be more than helpful.
Professional photographers send out photography style guides so the clients can prepare themselves for the photoshoot. Learn what to add to your client guide. Photography style guide
The address, parking information and whether the are has a set of their own rules – important information not to be left out.
Whether to add this section or not is up to the photographer: sometimes you have already discussed the price points with the client, so you don’t want to repeat it and especially if you’re not sure about the pricing yourself (fe. starting photographers can check how to price their work here) and feel uneasy to bring it up once it has been decided on.
But if you offer extra services such as image editing, or additional image packages, you could add them in the guide, so that the client knows how much they cost if they decide to add more services.
A photography style guide may include more or less parameters, depending on the style of the photographer / designer or the client’s request.
Professional photographers send out photography style guides so the clients can prepare themselves for the photoshoot. Learn what to add to your client guide. Photography style guide
Once you’ve met with your clients once or twice, and all the details have been decided, you can finalize your communication by sending the guide and rest assured your client will know how to prepare before the photoshoot.
Award Winning Commercial PhotographerMake sure you send it out at least a week before the date, so that if something needs to be changed or purchased, there is enough time for that.
Sounds good don’t you think? Where and how do you start? Well, you can download for our beautiful photography guide template, apply your branding, add you’re content and it’s ready to be shared. This template was created for professional photographers.
This template can be edited in Canva, so you will need the Free Canva Account to be able to access it.
Send out this professionally written style guide to your clients via email (embed into the body of your message or send as a PDF) or post on your blog.
Professional photographers send out photography style guides so the clients can prepare themselves for the photoshoot. Learn what to add to your client guide. Photography style guide
Here's a list of tips, advice, rules and just things to know about photography from Eric Kim, a street photographer who also holds photography workshop classes. I think the gist of it is to keep taking pictures always.
18. People will always discredit your work if you tell them you "photoshop" your images. Rather, tell them that you process them in the "digital darkroom".
18. People will always discredit your work if you tell them you "photoshop" your images. Rather, tell them that you process them in the "digital darkroom".
20. Have at least 2 backups of all your images. Like they say in war, two is one, one is none.
26. Tape up any logos on your camera with black gaffers tape- it brings a lot less attention to you.
29. Don't be afraid to take several photos of the same scene at different exposures, angles, or apertures.
39. Ditch the photo backpack and get a messenger bag. It makes getting your lenses and camera a whole lot easier.
64. You don't need to always bring a tripod with you everywhere you go (hell, I don't even own one).
71. You don't need to fly to Paris to get good photos; the best photo opportunities are in your backyard.
88. When taking candid photos of people in the street, it is easier to use a wide-angle than a telephoto lens.
93. Learn how to enjoy the moment, rather than relentlessly trying to capture the perfect picture of it.
People pictures fall into two categories: portraits and candid. Either can be made with or without your subject's awareness and cooperation.